Xentry xdos: xentry diagnosis for 12/24v using partd aka C3 (obsolete), sdconnect aka C4, ecom, xentry connect aka xentry kit 2, and bosch vci aka xentry kit 3 Xentry passthru EU or USA: xentry diagnosis using J2534 passthru devices e.g: mercedes passthru vci (12/24v), avdi, vas5054a (12v), drewtech MongoosePro (12/24v) and many other J2534. We offer latest 2018.7 xentry diagnostic software HDD with HHT win software for old mercedes, no need to install software and can ready to use. 2018.7 Das Mercedes Star C4 Xentry Diagnostic Win7 Software with Multi Language For Xentry Diagnostics HHT win software install completely, you need to follow 3 main installation.
Time to update Mercedes-Benz Xentry.OpenShell.XDOS 2019.05, poster offers free download link and safety source.
Newest Xentry V2019.05 is for Mercedes Star diagnosis. 2019.05 Mercedes star diagnosis with EPC,WIS ,Vediam, Dtc, Starfinder win 7 software with new mercedes starfinder online software and mercedes das xentry 2019.05.

XENTRY Diagnostics OpenShell_19.5.4.iso.rar
No password! Please enjoy!!!
Source: cartechnology.co.uk
Security: Unknown.
Cons: too big to download
🆗Link 2: Tested and safety version✅

DAS XENTRY V2019.05 software is available with hdd or ssd version
Mercedes Benz diagnosis…confirmed
Mercedes Benz programming…confirmed
PC Requirements: Dell/ Lenovo/ Panasonic etc.
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor or equivalent, i5 CPU is much better, 2.2GHz or faster core speed
RAM: 4GB RAM minimum
language available: English, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian; Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese
Star Diagnosis Xentry Software coverage:Works on Mercedes vehicles, included: Cars, Buses, Trucks, Sprints, Smarts etc. till 2019
🆗Testable MB Star diagnosis:
1. Star Diagnosis SD Connect MB Star C4
2. MB Star C5 star diagnosis tool for Benz car and truck
3. MB Star C6 DoIP
Xentry diagnostic complete powerful software:
EPC software diagnostic for Mercedes Benz.
WIS/ASRA software diagnostic for Mercedes Benz.
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Here is a guide on how to install Xentry.Open.Shell 2020.Hope it helps!
Note:Before installation,please go to BIOS setting to disable secure boot option for Windows 10 system

Xentry Related Contents
How to Install XentryOpenShell 06.2020(This guide is apply on the version provided by us)
After downloading,just double click “start” to start installation
Then follow the prompt click “Next”
Accept the terms and click “Next”
Here recommend you instal Xentry to the default,just click “Next”
Click “Next”
Installing modules,for new version it more than 390
Here it take about 2 hours to install,so just wait
After all modules installation done,follow prompt to restart your PC
Then copy XentryAPI.dll and paste C:WindowsSysWOW64 (64bit) to replace
If you PC is 32 bit,just paste to C:WindowsSystem32(32bit)
After then copy two file cal.sli and csl.sli file in the repalce folder to C:Program File(x86)Mercedes-BenzXentryllist foder to replace
Mercedes Das Xentry Installation
And then please double click “key loader for configassit 64bit.reg” run it (if your pc is 32 bit ,run 32bit reg)